Commissioned by Homegrown Stories for Ten/Tin


Recognized for its strength and longevity, tin is the traditional gift for a tenth anniversary. For this second installment of Ten/Tin invited sound artist Adam Vidiksis used tin as his inspiration in creating three haunting sound pieces. 

Our participating video artists found wide inspiration in these three pieces- some creating singular works while others combined the sound pieces into longer compositions. Here is our gift of TIN to you.

Homegrown Stories is an online collaborative media project. Initiated in June 2013, the original project was informed by over three decades of media work by the two collaborating artists LeAnn Erickson and Sandra Dyas.


I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art by Sandra Louise Dyas

Tincry by Jim Havercamp

Your Mind is a Galaxy by Sandra Louise Dyas

It’s Fat by LeAnn Erickson

surface tension | silver dollar | secret garden by Miriam Bennett

Tincry by Sandra Louise Dyas

Helen Tries to Escape by Kristine Heykants

Articulation by Jeff Caplan




what happens if