The Invisible Museum


Presented by Little Artists League at Zou-no-hana Terrace in Yokohama, Japan
February 15-21, 2023
Composed for Blue Carbon Sound
Co-created with Sam Wells as part of aeroidio



LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE, a global art team that works on diversity art, held a new exhibition "INVISIBLE MUSEUM-Searching for something important that cannot be seen" at Zou-no-hana Terrace, Yokohama from Wednesday, February 15 to Tuesday February 21, 2023.

Based on the theme of "INVISIBLE MUSEUM - something important that cannot be seen", which was conceived from a workshop with blind and hard-of-sight children, this event features hands-on exhibitions that can be enjoyed not only by sight but also by hearing and smell.

INVISIBLE MUSEUM is a project by the global art team LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE that solves social issues with art. Since its launch in 2016, LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE has visualized many invisible things (darkness, dreams, kindness, etc.) through art.


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Rhythmic Metal